Tuesday, 13 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 5) Morag and New Hair)


I checked out of my hotel my luggage in the hotel's locker room because it would be a couple of hours before I would get my room in the New Union. I  decided to go for breakfast at The Olive Deli. Unfortunately I had a mishap with my coffee which ended with a giant stain on my thigh that looked like I had peed myself. Luckily my coat covered it. I felt horrible and just wanted to change. After I left the Deli I went to the gardens to sit quietly and hopefully the coffee would dry.
I sat and just soaked in the peaceful surroundings. I really love The Village and Sackville Gardens is my favourite area.
It came time for me to check into the New Union which was getting an interior paint job. One of the painters asked me if I was moving in for the month when he saw my luggage. The painters were a nice bunch, courteous and, very helpful.
After checking in I went out shopping. I had decided to buy the handbag I had seen when I was out with Diana.
I got my new handbag and even decided to give it a name, but I couldn't decide what to call it. I thought about Morrigan, but calling it after the Celtic Goddess of War might not be quite right. I ended up eventually settling on Morag. People give all sorts of inaminate things names, but a handbag, oh that's me I guess. Perhaps I am losing it a bit. It is a nice furry one.

With my new furry handbag


I decided to get the train to Birmingham. I was thiking about getting  a new wig. I always feel a bit sad having to wear a wig, but at Frasers department store where I had bought a wig before, the assistants remarked that when you consider how much some women spend each year on their hair a wig can be a good investment.
Frasers Birmingham is a wonderful place to shop. The assistants in my opinion could teach other business's about customer service.
I found a wonderful wig with invaluable help and was over joyed with what was basically my new hairdo.

New Hair

Birmingham was very windy. I had a wander through the Christmas Market. Bought a book I had been looking for, but the wind was a real pain.

I decided to get back to Manchester. I caught the train and I was a bit worried about the guard checking the tickets. All the blokes tickets he checked he said, 'Thank you sir' and the women he referred to as love. I was waiting to be called sir again, but it never happened. Actually I was treated no different to any other woman on the train. The man in charge of the refreshment trolley was the same. I was on a Cross Country train and for me on their trains I have always  been treated with the greatest of respect and never been called sir which can be a nightmare where everybody stares at you.
When out presenting as female it's not asking for much to be treated as such.
It has always been a pleasure to travel on Cross Country Trains.
Back in Manchester I went about for a meal and met KD and Tina who I hadn't seen for a few months. We had a nice chat and they moved on. It was lovely to see them both again.
The night came to a close so I wandered back to the New Union. I had one drink and decided to call it a night. Karaoke was in full swing. One bloke had a fantastic voice singing a song I hadn't heard before.
I had one day left and that sadly would be my last this year.


Sunday, 11 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 4)


I don't wear a dress when out that often. I find it very hard because of my body shape to find one I like and also fits. For me a skirt and top seems to be a better option, plus I love my jeans. Diana always teases me about jeans when we're out shopping. I just can't seem to help myself. I remember sometime  ago before I came down to Manchester this time hearing two women discussing their day and how horrendous it was shopping for jeans. I thought try being me and finding the right leg length.
The day's shopping started of well. I bought a nice pair of boots that are very comfortable.
I had told Kate and Kitty that I would get a nice dress to wear that evening so I bought a top and another pair of jeans. Typical me.
We went off to Frasers for a look where I saw a dress I instantly fell in love with. The price was a bit off putting, but Diana I think thought it would really look good. I thought I am in Manchester to enjoy myself and I knew I would feel like a million dollars in the dress. There was also a handbag I really wanted, but that would wait a couple of days. To complete everything my dress was put in a pink shoulder bag when I bought it. There are times when I'm out that I get an overwhelming sense of my femininity being let out. Being with Diana who is extremely feminine, I know I am not, I was in a beautiful place. To share it with a wonderful girlfriend and just be myself. I could not ask for more.
We went back to The Village and into Via which had not long opened after a facelift. Diana took a picture of me not taking myself to seriously with a small caldron.

One thing that did happen in Via was two men decided to have a good snog on a couch in front of us. After they moved on Diana and myself discussed whether the show we had just witnessed from the 2 blokes was done to see how we would react. Neither of us had a problem. Actually it was good to see that they felt comfortable to be able to show what they felt for each other. One of the problems with The Village is the amount of hen parties and the blokes that follow them into The Village looking to get lucky.Unfortunately it can cause problems of a homophobic and transphobic nature. In my last couple of times in The Village I've seen more gay men snogging. My conclusion is that perhaps they are reclaiming The Village. More power and good luck to them if it keeps the idiots away.  
After a meal Diana and myself went back to our respective hotels to change for a night out.
We met up at the New Union and had a drink in a couple of bars. We met a nice lass  who came to Naps with us where we met up with Kate and Kitty. 

Saturday Night on Canal St or was it Sunday morning

Me in Churchills

Naps was busy and I enjoyed dancing the night away.
At the end of the night Kitty gave me some lovely Christmas presents from herself and Kate and a wonderful card. Must admit I  felt some joyful tears welling up I  was so happy.

Diana would be making her way home, but was not in any hurry.
I went to Diana's hotel to help her with her luggage. When I met her she gave me a lovely Christmas gift and card. The card was different to any other I had recieved. She told me her pen didn't work so she had used lip liner. That personal touch made the card from one girlfriend to another  even more special.
We had a nice day and I was sad to see Diana leave for home. She told me she might be out again before I would leave for home.
On my own again, I decided to have an early night. I had 3 days left and the next day I would move hotel and get the room Diana had been in.     

Monday, 5 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 3 Early Christmas)


Diana and myself had arranged to meet Kristina who was travelling from her home town on the train into Manchester. First time I had met her she had her car impounded which must have been very scary, but I remember Diana came to the rescue and got her home
The 3 of us met up in the Richmond Tea Rooms in The Village for breakfast. The Tea Rooms are like going back in time to the first half of the last century. It's a long time since I've seen and used a teapot and strainer.
After breakfast we went shopping and out towards the Christmas Market outside the City Hall which is always worth a visit. I did buy some Christmas cards that support the MS Society which I have an interest in, but thankfully never really needed their help and hopefully never will.
While out Kristina took Diana and myself to the Exchange Theater for a coffee. Inside it looks like a bigger version of the lunar module has landed in the middle. A lovely place to take a break from shopping.

   In the Exchange Theater

After a coffee and cake we made our way to the Christmas Market to meet Kate and Kitty at the Singing Moose as we did last year.

We had a mug of gluhwein to warm us up. We went into the Town Hall for a wander where I bought my Christmas cards supporting MS.  
Diana, Kristina and myself ended up walking down King St for more gluwein and we saw a Jamaican steel band from Stockport who were very good.

It came time for Diana and myself to get back to The Village for something to eat and a change for a night out.
After saying farewell to Kate, Kitty and Kristina who Diana told that I was witch. I must admit I was a bit dubious about that. Not every Wiccan is a witch. For me I try to connect to the energy all around us and that for me is the real magick around us that can be used for better or worse. Most people don't see cities as magical places, but I do, and they have their hotspots. The Village is one. I don't try to cast spells, but like any religion Wicca has it's rituals and I have mine. There are no sacred texts we follow. We are responsible for our actions and on a continual learning curve. The Craft for me is about respecting our home 'Mother Earth', the living beings who she gives life to and being the best person I can. If that makes me a witch I am happy to be one. 
The holidays are a strange time for me and these days for me. Christmas can be a beautiful festival in the Christian calander. For me it is about Yule, The Winter Solstice and the longest night. Within 3 nights and days the days begin to get longer which marks the return of the Sun.   
I guess thats enough about religion. Saturday would see me doing something I rarely do, wear a dress and I would see a handbag I spend to much money on and even give a name.    

Saturday, 3 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 2)

 Got into Manchester very happy. Felt like I was home again. Kate couldn't meet me unfortunately as she was working, but I would see herself and Kitty in the evening. First I took a wander into the Arndale dressed as a bloke to pick up a few things before I got changed. I do this once every year in Manchester and it feels very weird. I tend  to just about run back to the hotel. That done I got back to the hotel and got dressed properly for my first night out in ages.
We had a wonderful meal in Velvet and went dancing in Naps. I was back with my friends and it felt wonderful.
With Kate outside Velvet


My friend Diana came through to Manchester to stay for a couple of nights but managed to take advantage of a cancellation and add Saturday night. I met her and also added another 3 nights to my stay which would bring my total to 8, but it also meant that I would move hotel on the Monday.
Before I met Diana I had wandered into the Arndale and did some shopping. By the time my Manchester odyssey was over my credit card would be screaming 'no more, stop'.
I managed to buy a mirror with 10x mag' which really helps with my make up, but is quite scary as my face looks like the surface of the moon.
I came back to The Village with time to spare before Diana arrived so I sat for a time in Sackville Gardens. Council workers were busily cleaning up the autumn leaves on the ground. I noticed the Tree of Life still had all it's leaves, but they would be fallen by the time I left for home.

The Tree of Life 

That night out with Diana we went to a different bar called Icon which we had never been to before.
We both  tried on silly hats that were on the coat stand. Below is a picture of me looking very silly. We also saw the You Tube video of Manchester Pride done to Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way'.

Born this way, I guess I was, being out in Manchester feels so right I wish I was female physically.
It's not to be. A spirit in the wrong body, but thats my life and I live it best I can. 


Friday, 2 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 1)

Last trip of the year and it turned into an almost spiritual experience, I might as well get this bit out of the way first and come out of the broom closet to anyone who reads this.. I am a Wiccan and I live by the rede 'An harm it none do what ye will'. What this means is I am responsible for my own life and any harm I do I pay the price and  accept it. In life it is impossible to do no harm, but for me I must think about the impact of what I do or say and live to the best of my ability. I can't tell anyone else how they should live or what to do. I can perhaps suggest things from my own experience.
I believe we all have a spark of the divine within us and that then encompasses a variety of beliefs which I treat with respect. Is any one of them right and have all the answers ? I have no idea. We all find our own path from what I can see.
I find myself with a strong belief in the Goddess, but I don't neglect the God, two sides of a Universal Spirit that I believe is this Universe. Do I understand it ? No, but does anyone ? 
While out this time in Manchester I was described as a witch, not in a bad way by 2 different people. Not all Wiccans see themselves as witches, perhaps I am. I don't try to cast spells, but I do try to connect with the energy Mother Earth supplies in abundance and is all around us, even in the cities.
Manchester to me is a magical city and The Village is a hot spot that has been very kind to me.
In the end I guess some people will think I'm a bit whacked out, but that is their opinion. This post just is for explaining somethings about myself and where I am coming from.
The next posts will be about my times out and I am not going to start preaching. Anyone who reads this is there own person and I wish you all the best in life.
Love and Light
Karen xxx 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

New Shoes (Sept' Trip 2011)


 I met up with Diana and we went for a walk on along the canal. I love exploring and Manchester is a very interesting city and you never know what you are going to come across. At one point for some reason we ended up in a underground car park and nearly got lost.

Above are some pictures from our trip along the canal.

We decided to take a walk back into the city centre. I did something unusual for me. I bought a pair of ankle boots and two pairs of shoes. When I'm out I am lucky if I find one pair of shoes that I like and actually fit.
In the evening we had a quiet night out. The Village was not that busy for a Friday.
I had two days left, but Diana would be returning home in the morning. As usual time was passing to quick. 

I met Diana for breakfast in the Retro Bar before she went home. As we were eating Emma turned up. It was good to see her as she would be soon leaving for a warmer climate for a few months.
We said goodbye to Diana and I took Emma up to Afflecks Market. I wanted to go to the Crystal Emporium stall and see what new stuff was in.
With my beliefs I love visiting it and the owner is a lovely man and we always have a good chat.
We visited a couple of other places. Emma decided she had to get back to The Village so I went into the Arndale Centre where I got some loud comments I guess that were meant to embarrass me.
I know I'll never pass, but at least I was on my own. At six foot and with my build I am in no way feminine, just a bloke in a dress. Strange thing is I very rarely wear a dress. I never  want to embarrass anyone else. I don't post on any T Forums anymore. Other girls blogs I'll read but I am now reluctant to comment. I am not the most confident person in the world and at times I wonder what I am doing. I can't be who I want to be.
I am really thankful for the friends I have they never judge and have helped me get over some big obstacles. I sincerely hope that I continue to be able to see them.
In the evening I met up with Emma again and there were quite a few other girls out for her last night out in The Village.
It was wonderful to  see Kate and Kitty again plus Mandy and Tina. We had a great night out which ended with some dancing in Naps.

With Emma in Eden


My last day out of what had been a wonderful time out. I wonder with the way things are going how many more times I can go to Manchester and catch those brief times when I can be myself. I have my next outing planned, but for now I'll leave with a final picture outside Eden taken before I set of for my hotel and a sleep before I would set off for home the next morning.

The sign in the picture below says it all.

Love and Light

Friday, 14 October 2011

Top of the World (Sept' Trip 2011)


I met up with Diana and we made our way to Oxford Road train station stopping for a coffee and breakfast on the way. We were hoping to catch the same train to Blackpool as Kate and Kitty were on.
It was my birthday I for a change had been looking forward to it.
We caught the train and did see Kate and Kitty get on, but we decided to stay in our seats as the train was a bit busy.
When we got of the train in Blackpool  we went to a bar called The Flying Handbag in the gay area for a drink.
After a drink we went down to the front where Diana and myself went up the Tower. Kate and Kitty decided to go for a walk along the Prom.
Before Diana and myself went up the Tower we saw a 3D movie about it. I had never seen a 3D film before and was impressed.
We proceeded then up the Tower. I had been inside the Tower complex many times, but never been up the Tower itself. I was having a fantastic time.
Later on after we left the Tower we met up with Kate and Kitty and went on to the Central Pier for some cake and a coffee. Then it was back to the Flying Handbag for a drink and the train back to Manchester.
Diana, Kate and Kitty had given me the most memorable birthday ever. There are real high points in your life and this was one of mine. It's taken me some time to write about this trip, because I didn't think I could do it justice and it brought tears to my eyes remembering how happy I was knowing that was a day that can never be repeated. I can't thank my friends enough.
I had 3 more days left and I'll write about them soon.
Below are some pictures I will always cherish.
Up the top of the Tower.

Outside the Winter Gardens.

Diana, Kate and myself inside the Winter Gardens.

Myself and Kate
Sitting on the floor.

Diana and myself.
Me trying to stoop to make myself seem smaller.

Looking South.

On the Prom

On the Central Pier

Back in the Flying Handbag looking at some photos of a wonderful day I'll won't forget.
I still had 3 days left and I'll write about them soon.
Thank You, Diana, Kate and Kitty for the best birthday ever.
Love and Light


Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Close to the Edge (ST1)

Was trying to think of a title for this post and decided to go with one inspired by this photo of my feet while out. I wasn't close to the edge. I am standing on a glass floor up Blackpool tower, but I thought the photo turned out well. More about that later.


I got into to Manchester and met Kate in Taurus. She gave me a very pretty bag. An early birthday present as the next day would be my birthday. I opened the bag to find a beautiful handbag and card. I was lost for words. I gave her hug and thanked her for the gift from herself and Suki. I must admit I felt some tears welling up but they were ones of joy.
We had a couple of drinks and something to eat while Kate recounted some of the events during the riots in Manchester. Unfortunately The Village did not escape. She also told me about Pride which sounded amazing.
It came time for me to check into my hotel and get changed.
I didn't get any photos with my new handbag when I was out so the one below was all I managed to take.

We met up with Diana who was staying over and I had a great first night out with 2 of my best friends. We didn't stay out to late as Kate, Diana and Suki had plans to take me to Blackpool for a birthday treat on Thursday. It would be a wonderful day that I won't forget..

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Left Over Sparkle

Picked up a handbag I had at Sparkle which had some jewellery I left in it, but also a £20 note which really cheered me up.
Should really check things when I get home after a trip out. I'll take this as a good omen and quit my slow purge.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Wednesday (ST7)

My last day out so I went for a wander round Manchester city centre. Down by the Avenue I found what looked like cut outs of famous people. A couple of photos are below.

                                                                      ( Roberto Mancini)

After a coffee I had a wander round the shops and bought a book I had been looking for. It was a really nice sunny day. As the day went on in the afternoon I went back to The Village and had a couple of  drinks before going back to my room and got changed for the evening.
That evening I went to  Eden for a pizza. I met Mary who runs Manchester Concord the local support group that meets every Wednesday. I over joyed when I got texts from Diana and Kate that they would be out later.
At Manchester Concord Mary took a picture of  Kate, Diana and myself which is below.

After Concord we went to Naps and had a couple of dances.  We didn't stay to late as both Diana and Kate had work in the morning. Seeing them going and knowing I had to also depart in the morning made me feel so sad. I hope I will see them again as I never take anything for granted.
I had an absolutely wonderful time, but sadly my Sparkle Trip came to an end.

Sadly since my trip, there have been riots in some of the major cities in England. Manchester and Liverpool were caught up in the wanton destruction. It all started in London. There has been much debate about the riots and why they happened. I have my own thoughts, but there is not much point to me recording them here. What I will say is I have never lived in Manchester or Liverpool, but both cities have had a profound influence on my life since I was a teenager. I did once live in London and that had it's own influence.
Cities being wounded  by their own residents  was horrible to see on the telly.  Hearing some people had died made it even more sickening,  but on the other side the clean up by decent people was heartening to see. I sincerely hope something positive emerges in the aftermath.
Next month hopefully I'll be back in Manchester where I  will hopefully be able to celebrate another first for me.
Until then may Love and Light Fill Your Days.

Karen xx

Monday, 1 August 2011

Monday, Tuesday, (ST6)


Diana would be making her way home but that would not be until the evening. She checked out of the hotel and I helped get her luggage to the car. After breakfast we went for a wander and a bit of shopping.
I got a really nice top and jeans. There was a particular pair of shoes Diana was looking for, but unfortunately we didn't find them except for a pair which were very expensive.
That evening I could resist wearing my new purchases when we went for a meal in Eden.

(Above a  picture of Diana, looking great with that beautiful smile)

It came time for Diana to head for home which and that would leave me on my own. I was sad to see her go, but she would be back out on Wednesday.
After seeing Diana off. I would attempt to remove my nails which would cause me some problems and and quite a bit of worry.


I had decided to take a trip to Leeds on the train.  I had an uneventful journey. The train was quite busy which does make me a bit nervous, but I really had no need to be. I did do quite a bit of shopping and got some good advice at a busy MAC concession.
Lunch was at a very quite Fibre in the gay quarter.
  (Outside the Corn Exchange Leeds)

I decided to try and beat the rush hour and headed back to Manchester.
Back in Manchester I took a wander along to Afflecks Market and found a stall that sold crystals and such like. I had a really nice chat with the man who owned it. I bought a really nice bracelet and heart shaped quartz pendant.
When I got back to The Village it was very quiet almost empty. I decided to just have a couple of drinks and an early night.
Wednesday would be my last day, but I'll leave that for one last post on this trip out.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Sunday (ST5)

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday the last day of Sparkle. Most people would be departing for home. There wasn’t really any hurry for Diana and myself. I’ve realised in previous posts that I’ve said I was up and out before Diana. The reason being it takes me longer to get ready and I don’t like to keep people waiting if they are ready to go out, plus for me being in Manchester is like waking up on Christmas morning when I was a kid. I love getting up, getting ready and going out in the morning. Sorry Diana if you read this I wasn’t inferring anything.

We spent some time with Kate S, Diana’s friend I had met on Saturday evening. Kate had to get home in the afternoon. It really was a pleasure to meet Kate and Diana’s other friend Jen on the Saturday.

After Kate left we went to Suki and Kate C’s house for a barbeque. This is getting confusing with more than one Kate.

We had both been out to Kate and Suki’s house a couple of times. They are both wonderful friends and it’s always a pleasure and a honour to be invited to their home.

Emma and her wife were there when we arrived. It was nice to see them.

The rain held off and we had a lovely afternoon in the garden with Kate in charge of the barbeque and doing a great job.

Unfortunately the afternoon came to an end. Emma and Mrs E had to make their way home. Emma’s trip round England had come to an end which must have been amazing.

We then had to say our goodbye’s to Kate and Suki and make our way back to The Village.

Sunday Evening

The Village wasn't as quiet as we thought it might be. Naps was open and what was surprising upstairs was open. So it was up for a dance.
We didn't stay to late.
It had been a really nice way to end Sparkle. Writing this I must admit I feel a bit down remembering. I still had 3 nights left which I will record here despite it now getting a bit difficult, but I'll regret it if I don't

Monday, 25 July 2011

Saturday Evening (ST4)

Saturday Evening

After the park event Diana met up with 2 friends of hers Kate and Jen and we had a meal in Taurus. It had certainly been a busy day. We decided to eat early to try and miss the crowd and rush. Afterwards it was back to the hotel for a change. This would be the third night in a row I would wear a dress. Very unusual for me. Back in the Village Diana, Kate, Jen and myself had a wander up Canal St. In The View looking out the window someone made a comment about all the straight people sitting outside taking sneaky pictures, laughing and staring at the various Tgirls who passed by.

There was a suggestion that Tgirls should start taking pictures of straight people on Canal St and start a group on a social networking site with the best pictures.

Could imagine going up to one and saying.

‘Excuse me are you straight. We don’t get many down here. Can I take your picture.’ Perhaps turn the tables.

I think it’s quite sad when someone takes a sneaky picture without your permission. Are their lives that sad. Perhaps turning the tables like that would not be a good idea and only cause problems.

After we left The View we met Emma and her wife. Emma had be out for a week and with her wife and had been touring Southeast England

It had been a long day and coupled with the past few days it was starting to take it’s toll on me. I wasn’t feeling to good and in a bit of pain.

It was getting busier and when we went to Baa Baa I decided it would be better if I went back to the hotel and got some sleep.

I found out later that the queue for Naps went round the corner and inside you could barely move.

I was glad in the morning I’d turned in early as I got a really good sleep.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Sparkle Trip Part 3 (Saturday Afternoon)

Saturday Sparkle in the Park

I was up before Diana so I went into the city centre to buy a new umbrella as my one had seen better days. Diana had lost hers somewhere so I said I would get her one as well.

Passing Sackville Gardens I saw people setting up the stage and stalls for Sparkle in the Park later on. I really hoped it wouldn’t rain. I need not have worried .

I found 2 umbrellas and went back to meet Diana for breakfast.

After breakfast we went to the park which was ready for the days events. We met up with Mandy who it was great to see again. Diana had volunteered for a stint on the desk at LGF signing people in for the talks being held there. She had also volunteered for an hour on the Manchester Concord stand.

Two other people I was really happy to see were Bev and Gemma and her partner.

Karen a really nice lass who is on the MC committee was dashing about checking everything was going ok . She puts a lot of work in where Concord is concerned. I was once mistakenly put on the MC committee instead of her which we still joke about.

When I am in Manchester, and Sparkle brought this home to me even more. I feel part of the T community, but sort of on the fringe. It’s because I don’t get out as much as I want and see my friends. The majority of my time I live in male mode working to earn a living so I can be comfortable and have times out being myself. Life at times feels empty. Home for me is not home if that makes sense. Manchester a place I have never lived feels more like home.

On the stage we had a speech by Lynn Featherstone MP, the Equality Minister. She talked a lot but nothing she said stood out. Marianne’s band The Strawberry Elephant Experience were first on and really good.

There were a couple of stalls offering information on laser hair removal and liposuction. The ladies on these stalls were telling me about fat removal. While they were telling me about this I did ask if they thought I needed it. One laughed after she looked at me and said as a joke  ’I hate people like you.   I am quite skinny, probably to much.

At the UNISON stall I spoke to a lovely lady. We had a long chat. A lot was about transitioning. She had been through the process herself. She never made any judgements on my situation, but gave me some good advice and a lot to think about. To go down that route I know you have to be sure and realise you may open the gates to your own personal hell, but then again you may be in that hell with full transition your only escape. For me I exist in a limbo that I have written about before on another blog. It’s tough, but not hell. A very uneasy balance that I try to maintain.

Kate and Suki appeared and I spent some time with them looking round the stalls and getting some pictures.

Diana and Mandy

Eventually the park event came to a close. It had been a lovely afternoon.