Friday, 2 December 2011

11/11 (Pt 1)

Last trip of the year and it turned into an almost spiritual experience, I might as well get this bit out of the way first and come out of the broom closet to anyone who reads this.. I am a Wiccan and I live by the rede 'An harm it none do what ye will'. What this means is I am responsible for my own life and any harm I do I pay the price and  accept it. In life it is impossible to do no harm, but for me I must think about the impact of what I do or say and live to the best of my ability. I can't tell anyone else how they should live or what to do. I can perhaps suggest things from my own experience.
I believe we all have a spark of the divine within us and that then encompasses a variety of beliefs which I treat with respect. Is any one of them right and have all the answers ? I have no idea. We all find our own path from what I can see.
I find myself with a strong belief in the Goddess, but I don't neglect the God, two sides of a Universal Spirit that I believe is this Universe. Do I understand it ? No, but does anyone ? 
While out this time in Manchester I was described as a witch, not in a bad way by 2 different people. Not all Wiccans see themselves as witches, perhaps I am. I don't try to cast spells, but I do try to connect with the energy Mother Earth supplies in abundance and is all around us, even in the cities.
Manchester to me is a magical city and The Village is a hot spot that has been very kind to me.
In the end I guess some people will think I'm a bit whacked out, but that is their opinion. This post just is for explaining somethings about myself and where I am coming from.
The next posts will be about my times out and I am not going to start preaching. Anyone who reads this is there own person and I wish you all the best in life.
Love and Light
Karen xxx 

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