Sunday, 24 August 2008

Learning Curve Pt 2 - The Truth Explodes

In part one of this my intention was to write about my trip south, which I did but it focused mainly on the moron who tried to intimidate me. The night itself I really enjoyed with Kate, Diana and Sandi who doesn't get much chance to get out.
I had managed to go flying over a table in my hotel room and bounce my head with a severe crack of the wall.
After that mishap I met Diana in the hotel lobby and we went to the car park where we were meeting Sandi.
This got a bit strange. It felt like Diana and myself were in a spy movie or cop film on a stakeout. Diana's car was on the second level overlooking the street. She didn't have a mobile number for Sandi just her car make and registration plate number.
While we were trying to spot Sandi's car I saw Kate walking past behind us.
Sandi turned up soon after, so off we went to AXM then Eden for a meal.
We then went to the Manchester Concord meet upstairs at the Rembrandt and onto Axm Late, which to be honest I wasn't really impressed with, but it was a quiet night.
Kate and Sandi had to go home so Diana and myself went to Naps.
We both did a lot of Dancing which I love. We also discussed a few things about being trans. I told her about the first time I ever went out dressed up, if you could call it that.
I actually went out dressed up when I was 14. Diana is the first person I've ever told about it. What I did was get a skirt, tights, blouse and a pair of low heeled shoes that I could just squeeze my feet into. To hide behind a snorkel parka when zipped up nobody could see my face. Think a trans version of Kenny out of Southpark.
I remember it was early evening and the light was fading and it was raining a bit.
I got changed quickly behind a garage and went off for a walk. The few people I did pass didn't seem to take much notice although my heart was pounding. A van did stop to and the driver asked me for directions. I mumbled something and walked on quickly. That was enough, I found somewhere to get out of the shoes and skirt. Jeans and trainers on and I went home. I must admit it was a real rush but also very scary and I never did it again. Guess I've always been a bit stupid.
Well we discussed a few other things which I thought about on the way home. The night came to an end and I've told about what happened then.
The trip home included a landslide and a flood and took 9 hours longer than usual to get home. Which gave me a lot of time to think.
I put a link to a song. I thought it apt as Jimmy Page played with Leona Lewis at the closing ceremony of the Olympics today. This one is about things going wrong and the truth explodes if that makes any sense. It's recorded in a market in Marrakech.
(takes about 30 seconds for the song to start properly)

YouTube - The Truth Explodes - Jimmy Page & Robert Plant


Carolyn Ann said...

That's one of my favorites!

Sorry to read about that unpleasant encounter the other night; "we" really do have to be careful! My take on safety is get a course on self-protection, such as the one many women take, and do it in heels and tight skirt. And then go to lengths to avoid all need to practice what has been taught. (I tried to arrange one in Brooklyn, once; it came to nothing, but still: there are people out there willing to teach self-defense.)

Carolyn Ann

Karen said...

Thanks Carolyn, I did do some self defense years ago. Might be an idea to brush up on it again. I'll try to be more sensible in future.
I had a look through your blog and found it really interesting.

Yes it is a great song.

Take care

Diana Richards said...

Dear Karen, thanks so much for your company, on what was for me a lovely evening. Your story has touched my heart. You're quite a girl.
