Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Writing to Myself

This blog is about my times out, but this post is about my next time out which may come quicker than I expect. I have got an opportunity to get out again, but it scares the hell out of me. I'll have to make a decision soon. I know in my heart it will be ok. I know this post makes no sense, but it helps me get something out of my system.
I'll come back and either delete this post or add a post about another great time out. On the other hand I could totally wimp out and regret a missed opportunity.
I think and feel this is another turning point approaching rapidly.
Karen, the ball is in your court, what are you going to do ?

(Now I am talking to myself)


Diana Richards said...

No you're not - go for it Karen.

Tawny Karen said...

Thanks Diana,
I am going for it.
I'll be in touch.