Sunday, 2 September 2012

Manchester Pride 2012 (3)

August 18th Saturday

Another breakfast in the Retro I then took some more pictures round the Village.
I went to Sackville Gardens where the Quakers were showing their support for Pride.
From what I understand the Quakers sit silently and contemplate and if someone wants to say something they can. As a religion I have a lot of respect for them. They let their actions speak for them and don't push their ideals on to others by preaching and telling others what to do.
While sitting quietly on a bench a man came over and asked if he could sit next to me. At first I though t another admirer trying to pick me up, but we had a nice chat. He told me his nae was Stuart. He did ask me about myself and we spoke for awhile. I know he was chatting me up, but I politely said I wasn't interested   in sex. He took that with good grace and we continued chatting. It was great not to be treated as some sort of brain dead piece of meat only  useful for one thing.
I wished him well after  chatting for 20 minutes.   I also spoke to a lady from the LGF (Lesbian Gay Foundation) about shoes of all things.

                                                  Pride banners overlooking the canal

                                                           Poster I saw in Taurus

I met up with Di in the afternoon and later Kate, Kitty and Ashley.
In Taurus I bumped into one of the Irish women who was collecting for something to do with the Salford City Reds rugby league team who were on a pub crawl in The Village. She said to me while laughing not to donate because they were getting drunk and becoming a bit rude.
I wore my new dress and was very happy with it.
We ended up in Naps where I really enjoyed myself dancing. Back at the hotel Di took a couple of pictures for me.

August 19th Sunday

The Retro was shut so Di and myself  had something to eat in the Olive Deli. The manager asked me how I was and told me he had been in Naps but could remember much.
We then went to Sackville Gardens to see Pink Doggy Pride  which was unfortunately plagued with heavy rain. We decided to go into town and go shopping. The rain would continue throughout Pride which was unfortunate. At this time there were a lot of fringe events going on. Pride itself wouldn't start until Friday.
In the evening we had a nce meal in Eden. Afterwards we ended up in ICON where Misty Chance a very talented performer and drag queen was doing a show. She was really funny.

                                                         Misty Chance in ICON

August 20th Monday

Diana had to go to work but would be back in the evening so I was on my own again. I went for a wander.

The preparations for Pride were underway. The main stage would be built in the carpark across from The Thomson Arms.

I did some shopping and then ended up in Salford which I didn't know at the time.

I also had a look at Manchester Cathedral

A sign outside Afflecks Market
In the evening Di got back from work and we went for a meal in VIA.

After drinks also in The New Union ICON and Churchills, by midnight The Village was empty.

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