Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Stranger Times (Part 3)


Diana and myself had  a quiet day. Didn't get up to early and went for a wander round the Arndale.
In the evening we met a lass from Cumbria in Naps we had met before I think at Sparkle last year.


Diana and myself had a big breakfast in the Retro Bar and then alittle later we had some cake in the Richmond Tea Room. It was a self indulgent morning but lovely. It was wonderful that Diana stayed over in The Village. I was worried that she may be a bit bored and perhaps the late nights were taking their toll. I know they were on me. I love being in Manchester and shopping perhaps not so exciting to a lot of people. One thing I noticed about Diana and Kate had mentioned it to me as well, is how great and femminine she looks. To be honest everything she has done has worked. I saw her in so called bob mode not so long ago and she looked great, such a difference from when I saw her 4 years ago.  A wonderful female friend I am lucky to know.

     Another picture Diana kindly took

Diana left for home in the evening and I ended up in the Molly House bar talking to a gay guy about sex among other things.
We talked about health issues and he asked me about crossdressers and was it true that most are hetro. I answered as far as I knew, yes. He asked if I was. I just said that I guess so, but that I hadn't been sexually active with anyone in years. When he asked why, I said it was probably due to damage to my central nervous system from an over active immune system.
He looked at me and said,"My immune system is on the floor if you know what I mean?".
That was a hell of a thing to tell me. I really felt for him. He told me how he hadn't been with anyone for years.
He told me,' You survive, try to look after yourself and get on with life'.
How do you cope with a disease that will wreck your defences and could allow something else that wouldn't normally affect you to bad, but now could now kill you.
I know people are living longer, but still there is no cure.
When I stay inThe Village I always make a point of visiting The Beacon of Hope which is there to remember the victims of AIDS who have passed on.
Talking to him put my own problems in perspective. I am very lucky.
I don't feel the sexual urge very often and when it comes on it will eventually pass.
The biggest thing for me is just being able to be who I want to be, but unfortunately a lot of people equate that to sexuality. It seems for a lot of people your sexuality is a major part of what defines your identity. This can cause a lot of problems.
If you say you are not interested in sex, you are not believed or some sort of freak.
I find it very interesting how the different groups within the LGBT view each other. One thing I get from talking to people is that they don't know each other very well at all and then you throw hetro people into the mix and it just gets even more confused and very nasty. Just look at the on going gay marriage debate for one.
In an interview Clint Eastwood kept it very simple-

 These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage?” Eastwood opined. “I don’t give a fuck about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of.”
.”“They go on and on with all this bullshit about ‘sanctity’ — don’t give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."

Stranger times indeed, when a man like Mr Eastwood can keep it this simple why can't the rest of the world, and then move forward so we can live a life free from fear.

When it comes down to it I don't know what it is like to be female, but then again being male is another question. I know what it is to be Transgender. I would have loved to be born female.
I hate the male parts of my body and would quite happily see them gone, but then it's a case of careful what you wish for.
I did once have a blog called Limbo Land which dealt with another aspect of my life, but I know I've been in Limbo Land all my life and will never leave. Sad admission to make, but I understand I've got to make the best of it. Perhaps what I learn in this life will help me further on.
One thing that was funny on the Saturday was a group of lesbians promoting a dating site 'Single Gay Female' for lesbians told me I was a single gay female and that they accepted male to female transgender people as members. They gave me a wristband and badge. Nice marketing ploy and I wish, maybe in another life. 


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