Friday, 20 January 2012

11/11 (Pt 6) Protest and Cocktails at 4 30

The World seems to plunging into a total mess. People are worried about their financial security. Pensions are under threat along with jobs. Banks seem to have major malfuntions that have impacted on us all. Where is it all going. On this day public service workers decided to go on strike in protest about the attack on their pensions. The Govement cannot just dismiss peoples concerns or this is what happens.

It is really sad to see people having to go on strike. You lose money that you can't get back. Sometimes as a last resort it is the only option left.
I walked down to see how many had turned out and was very surprised their seemed to be thousands.

Later on that afternoon I got a text from Diana ' Cocktails at 4 30 in Taurus'.
I was made up and headed back to The Village, but I called in first to Afflecks Market to see my friend who runs The Cyrstal Emporium stall.
It is always nice to see him and I bought some lovely jewellery. We discussed what I had been up to this time down. He is planning to expand and a new website is on the way with a name I was surprised to hear is not taken. I promised not to tell anyone the name which is really good.
I wished him all the best for the holidays and that I would be back in the new year. 
Back in The Village I met up with Diana for a couple of Long Island Iced Teas and evening meal.
Diana asked me in fun if my furry handbag was a dead animal.  

After our meal we went back to our hotels to get ready for the night. Diana had plans, but I would see her later.
I decided to wear my dress again and would meet Kate  in Taurus. I couldn't ask for better with my friends out on my last night of the year.
In Taurus a private function was on and somebody asked me if I was part of the prison party. I was a bit taken a back with the question, smiled and answered no. 

Kate turned up looking fantastic and we ended up in Naps. We met up with Diana who seemed to me to have a very strong aura surrounding her. She came across as very happy and had a wonderful radiant smile. The aura I mentioned to me was very intense and I think people unconsciously picked up on it. So intensely feminine.
The night and my last trip out for 2011 came to an end.
It's taken me some time to write this post and I have now my next 2 trips out planned. Looking forward to them and one is back to I guess where my T journey all started.

Kate in Naps

My final photo of 2012



Diana Richards said...

It does seem a time to batten down the hatches doesn't it ? All we can hope to do is carry on and try to help where we can.
Thanks for your kind words Karen - it was a memorable night in so many ways and I hope there are many more to come xxx diana

Tawny Karen said...

You are very welcome Diana and hope there ar many more nights and days out. xx