Saturday, 16 July 2011

Sparkle Trip part 2 (Sparkle Begins)


The day saw some heavy rain. It was a bit worrying that the weather could be a factor and ruin Sparkle in the Park on Saturday. I went shopping leaving Diana to get ready for a cancer fundraiser in Taurus. It was a tea cake event with a 40s and 50s theme. Suki had made some lovely snowballs for it which brought back some childhood memories.
We had a lovely afternoon in Taurus where I saw Jane who I hadn't seen in over a year. She was looking great. I know she has had a lot to deal with and I hope things go well for her in the future.

Kate and myself in Taurus

 In the evening we met up again with a German girl Molly who was over for Sparkle and her first time out. At 6ft 6 she towered over us. To get out in a foreign country and strange city was very brave.

The show at Manchester Concord was interesting with the lesbian strippers and the Drag King. He did a great version of Chris de Burgh’s Patricia the Stripper which I thought was way better that the original.

We went to Eden where the music was a bit weird and the rain started to pour down outside. Somewhere along the line Diana had lost her umbrella.

Naps was quite busy and there was now quite a few girls out.

Sparkle had really begun.

In Eden out of the rain

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