Sunday, 22 July 2012

Sparkle 2012 (Saturday)

I woke up Saturday morning full of energy. Once Diana and myself were ready we went to the Olive Deli for  breakfast and then on to the Arndale for a spot of shopping. Diana found a beautiful dress while I bought some essentials. I did take her to a shop she had asked me about and managed to get a couple of photos on the way.Unfortunately the only photos I have are of myself.

It came time for us to head back to The Village and Sparkle in the Park.
Sackville Gardens was very busy. Everything was in full swing. Live music on the stage a multitude of stalls.
I noticed there were a lot of apparently non trans people out enjoying themselves. This year I would say Sparkle attracted a very diverse crowd. It was fantastic to see. In the media this year we have had the reality series television 'My Transsexual Summer' which I'm sorry to say I never saw. Some of the stars of that series were out at Sparkle. This year as well we also had the trans based drama 'Hit and Miss' which I did see. I hope these programmes had a positive effect on the general public's perception of transgender people.
The atmosphere in the park I felt was very relaxed so maybe a positive change has begun.

While in the gardens I bumped into a few people I know. I managed a brief chat with Kristina a lovely lass who went with me to the Alan Turing Exhibition last time I was in Manchester. I would take Diana and Alex to see it on Sunday.
One funny thing was the students, who I think were on a annual pub crawl, dressed as cartoon characters.

It came time to go back to the apartment and get changed for the evening. I left earlier than Diana, Kate and Kitty as it takes me longer to get ready. I take longer I guess because in the end  I have more to hide especially when it comes to shaving. It would be a dream just to redo my make up and change clothes. Wearing a wig is not so much of a problem when it's comfortable. I guess the cruel joke is I am losing the one set of hair I want to keep.
I got a good head start getting ready before everyone arrived back at the apartment.
When we were all ready we took in a few places including Eden and the Retro Bar
but ended up in Naps which as you can imagine got very busy.
Saturday is the highlight of Sparkle but this year more people seemed to stay over for Sunday.
The night came to an end and my shortest stay in Manchester for awhile was rapidly drawing to a close.
I said goodbye to Kate and Kitty as they would be out on Sunday. It was time for some sleep. I had one full day left.  

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Sparkle 2012 (Friday)

Sparkle The National Transgender Celebration, I was not sure I was going to make it to Manchester for this one with all the things going on in my life at the moment. I did make it and was so glad because I had a wonderful time.
This was my third Sparkle and the best one yet, for me at least. I felt the atmosphere was very relaxed and friendly. There seemed to be more non trans people at this one than at the other two I've attended and that was great to see. I hope this is a sign that society is beginning to see that we are people who want to express ourselves and contribute to the wider whole in a positive way.
I saw and heard quite a few things about Transphobia over the weekend. When people target a group to discriminate, hurt and sometimes ultimately kill a person for who they are. It makes me wonder if they ever question or look deep within themselves as to  why they have these feelings. I must admit from a young age knowing I was transgender frightened me. Other peoples attitudes and how people may view and treat me scares the life out of me to this day.
Sparkle is a weekend where I can put that all aside for a short time, be with friends, meet new people and effectively allow my female aspect full reign.
I got into Manchester about Midday and went to Taurus where they let me use their changing facility. I would be staying with Diana at The Atrium Apartments. Diana would not get into Manchester till about 3 30pm. I must give a big thanks to Diana for letting me stay with her.
After I got changed I met up with Kate and Kitty for a drink. I was back with friends as what I feel is my true self.
A hectic and wonderful weekend had begun.
I met up with Diana to get the apartment. We then went to Taurus. The evening got very busy and the day caught up with me and I had to get some sleep, so just before midnight I left my friends to go to bed. I felt a very happy and contented woman, or as near as I can get to feeling that way.

Looking very rough and tired


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wandering {2)


I had a quite day by myself. A bit of shopping. I was looking for clothes for Manchester Pride which I hope to attend and spend 2 weeks in Manchester. It's quite a prospect for me and I hope to learn more about myself.
I spent the morning clothes shopping, but still couldn't find a handbag I liked.
In the afternoon I decided to take a walk out to Sport City and the Etihad Stadium home of Manchester City. I managed to get a photo balancing the camera on a wheelie bin.

I had a few strange looks but no one bothered me. Probably thought whats that strange woman up to, but more than likely they thought something else.
It was an interesting walk and I had gone out of the city center I felt really pleased with myself. I have always loved exploring places to see what I might find.
That evening back in The Village I met up with a few girls and I'm sad to say I can't remember their names. One Tgirl came out to her boss's sister who for some reason was in Naps with a friend. It was nice bumping into Pip who I'd met with my friend Diana at Sparkle last year.
I stayed out longer that I planned to and was looking a bit haggard, but I'd another wonderful day.

I met up with Kristina and we had a wonderful day which included a visit to the Alan Turing exhibition at the Manchester Museum. The rain was still pouring down so we took the bus.
That night Kate came out but unfortunately Kristina missed her as she had to get home.

It was a beautiful day. The sun finally came out. Most of the day spent relaxing in Taurus with my friends.
This is a bit of a hurried finish to this post. I am now a day away from Sparkle and I think I've put a few problems which have been dogging me of late behind me. There are others on the horizon, but I'll deal with them as they come.
One thing that saddens me is the realization I can never transition. There are times I feel like I  am in agony, emotionally. Perhaps I am a sad case, but I fight to stay alive and stay reasonably happy. This is my life. I don't have what I want, but I do have what I need to face each day, one at a time.
The Judie Tzuke song 'Left Hand Talking' comes to mind for some reason.

Love and Light
Karen xx