Manchester is like a kind of second home to me. In my opinion a city that is the best. It's not perfect, but I love the place.
I managed to go a bit crazy with my credit card. I think my luggage weighed twice what it was when I left home. Round Manchester it was really nice how quite a few people in different shops remembered me and seemed really pleased to see me back again and it wasn't that I really spend a lot in those particular places.
I did go to a nail bar and got my nails done which was a first and a nice experience.
The Manchester Concord support group has moved. I was glad to see that it hasn't moved out of The Village. The new place, upstairs in New York NewYork isn't as good as the Rem.
I met Kate and Mrs K in Velvet along with KD and her sister. Diana turned up a bit later. I was just so happy to be back and out with my friends.
On Friday I went for a Chinese meal with Diana and Kate in Chinatown which was lovely..
On Saturday we went for a meal at Villagios to celebrate Bev's birthday. I had met Bev last year at the Angels Christmas meal. A really nice person who it was lovely to meet again. It was great to see , Mandy and Tina again who I hadn't seen in a long time. I also met Tanya and Sophie. There was some concern when Tanya choked on a piece of meat, but she was ok.
Sunday was Doggy Pride in Sackville Gardens or something like that. Diana and myself after some shopping met up with Kate and Kitty or Mrs K. I think Kitty sounds better than Mrs Kate. The name change came about after some discussion which included the tarot cards. I guess some people will think I am probably a bit silly. There was a suggestion I have a stall at the next Sparkle which I thought was funny. Instead of Mystic Meg, I could be Septic Peg.
On Monday I went to the cinema to see Inception which I enjoyed. On the way back I took a wrong turning and ended up confronted with 2 young blokes and what I presumed were their girlfriends. One bloke as I got nearer had a real twisted look on his face.
" You are F#@KING UGLY", he spat out. " Look at you f#@king poof" ,
As I passed his girlfriend tried to kick me. I dodged that and the insults continued. They went their way and I continued on to The Village.
I wonder about people like that. Why so much rage? What is it about themselves they can't deal with. Maybe I am ugly but does it warrant such a reaction and to call me a poof well I am comfortable with my sexuality. My sexuality I think only comes into play when I am attracted to a woman and that's me. Calling me gay is not an insult just a mistake. These days sex is a distant memory for me. Transphobia, homophobia what is it that causes people to react in such a way.
Tuesday I went off to Nottingham and to be honest I wasn't very impressed with the place. There is not much point in saying any more as it would be unfair to judge a place on one visit.
On Wednesday I went back to Liverpool where I'd had a horrible experience last year.The link below explains what happened.
I was pleasantly surprised and had a good day out. I didn't do much shopping, but did buy a nice skirt in the store where I had a problem before. I texted Diana who had been with me that day last year. She was really happy for me and replied perhaps we had made a difference when we lodged complaints. It would be nice to think so.
I managed to get a picture with the self timer below
It's a nice feeling to be able to put up a picture of me out in a city I have always liked and what happened last year was a sad event I hope is never repeated. I had a really nice day and after Nottingham it gave my confidence a much needed boost.
It came time for me to get back to Manchester. I met up with Kate and after a meal and a chat about what I had been out to since Sunday. We went for some dancing in Naps. My time out was coming to an end.
Some real highs and a couple of horrible lows. Leaving is always difficult and I was so glad Kate could make it out. It was wonderful seeing everyone and I can't thank them enough.
As for the idiots that I came across well I feel sad for them. When you have your health I think you should live to the best of your ability. Things can go wrong very quickly. It's not difficult to try to be a decent person.
I have my problems, but I try and won't stop while I still can.
Look after each other
Karen xxx
I nearly forgot.
The advert below , I saw in Manchester Piccadilly Station
Far better than those moronic Little Britain adverts by a well known building society.