I had a wonderful weekend in Manchester. There have been a lot of things spinning round my head, but things have been falling into place and getting out again was another piece of the jigsaw that fell into place.
I was nervous for some strange reason, since I was told about the MS. I had been out down here lots of times before . I guess the shock had given me a real knock.
The simple fact I had been told it's my life, how I deal with it is up to me, and that has been reinforced by my GP who I met for the first time today.She was brilliant and very supportive.
I was supposed to meet Kate in the afternoon when I got down on Friday, but she was unavoidable delayed. I got changed and got the war paint on, and then decided to go into the city centre for a quick wander and get some tights.
Walking through the streets, it really struck me, this is me who I am. Male/Female, people can come out with all the labels they want, but I know who I am and what I want to do. I try not to bother or annoy anyone and I take people as I find them. I've been pulling things apart and really looking at myself. I'm lucky, I've had a good life so far. There are some things I wish hadn't happened, but there was really nothing I could do about those. Yes I do have hang ups like coming out fully. What would be the point, just a load of grief. It saddens me to see how some people in the Trans community are treated and even within it there are those with their own agenda. Politics in any sphere can be a snake pit. You have to tread carefully to avoid being bitten.
This in a strange way has been a boost. I've been told that I'm in charge of my life as much as possible and to use that to live it. I intend to and this was a good start. For me things have never been clearer. My life has had many twists and turns and there will probably be a few more before I'm finished. I have coped and will continue to cope the best I can. Life is to precious to just throw away.
I bought some tights in Frasers and returned to the Village doing some window shopping on the way. It was glorious sunny day and it was like any problems had just melted away.
Kate had arrived and was nearly ready so I walked down to her hotel to meet up.
Kate looked great in her summer outfit, We went to Taurus for a couple of drinks while we waited for Diana.
I hadn't seen Diana since she had some cosmetic surgery done. I always thought Diana looked great, but when she turned up I thought WOW! She looked amazing. Her face looked softer even more feminine. We had a table by the window which was open. I had to nip outside and stood by the window. Diana gave me a disapproving look when I lit up a ciggie. Unfortunately after being told I had MS I did fall back into that bad habit. We did have a laugh and joked about it and took some silly pictures.
We had a lovely meal and Diana and Kate brought me up to speed on everything that had happened since I'd been down last.
It came time to go back to our rooms for a quick change and then we went to the Bar Below then onto Naps. It was great to be out dancing again. We stayed to near 4am.
We agreed to meet up in the morning about 10 30am to go shopping.
I went back to my room for a few hours sleep a very happy lass
Ata girl, Karen...! A PMA is 90% of the battle, whether one is MS, TG, TV or TS.
Manchester sounds such fun. Can't wait until things settle down here with E's mother, and E and I can get up there for a break.
We both need one real bad, and it would be great to meet you lasses.
Hi Chrissie,
I think you would both enjoy Manchester. I try to get down there every couple of months. My friends are out there regularly. It would be great to meet you both. We can set something up. I can post a temporary email address so you can get my proper one if that would helpful.
Take care
yep, that's fine Karen.. or you could email me via my blog, if you like...
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