I got up about 8 am and had a cup tea. Just over 4 hours sleep the longest I'd had in one go in about 4 days. I nipped out for a smoke. It had just gone 8 30. I decided to see if the chemist was open to see if I could get something for my feet so I could cope with wearing heels.
I wondered what time the clothes shops opened. I wanted a pair of girly jeans for my stint as a stewardess in the park where there would be live music, Miss Sparkle, the Sparkle Oscars various stands. Lisa, Diana, Carina, Lucy and myself were first on at midday for a couple of hours.
I decided to walk into town which wasn't far. Primark was due to open at 9 am so I decided to wait outside for 10 minutes. When it opened I managed to get a nice pair of jeans.
When I got to he hotel Lisa was up getting ready.
I got cleaned up make up on, new jeans cashmere jumper and blue jacket, I was very pleased with my look. Then I remembered I needed some more cigs. The nearest shop was right next to the train station.
We when up to the shop which was nerve wracking there were quite a few people about but we didn't have a problem. I went in myself bought a packet and came back out with another confidence boost.
In the park we got our hi vis vests, very fetching. After a couple of photos we went on patrol. I went and got some chips, that was breakfast.
The stands were in the main still being set up. It was interesting walking round talking to various people. Just before 2pm we handed over to the next shift and went to the photo exhibition getting a bit lost in the process. Then went for a drink and sat outside AXM. It was a nice relaxing Saturday afternoon.
After getting changed later on Lisa and myself went for a meal with Jo and her friend Doris (not her real name) a genetic girl along with Marianne and her wife.
I found Marianne and her wife a fascinating couple and I must admit I didn't contribute much to the conversation,but sat listening fascinated.
Marianne's wife must have thought I was bit left out so she asked me if I was married or with anyone. I told her my wife had passed on a few years ago. I always find it makes others uncomfortable when I tell them and I can understand why. I've accepted she has gone, but I miss her and always will. She was, is the love of my life and I am forever thankful that she let me share her life and accepted me for who I am.
Things lightened, Doris told me a wonderful story about one of her adventures. After the meal we went back to the park to see the end of Miss Sparkle.
Time was moving on and we had to get changed for the Magic Theatre do. After a hug from Jo and Doris who told me she would be looking to get me up on the dance floor at the Magic Theatre. I've always been a bit shy so I told her we'll see.
Lisa and myself went back to get changed. Lisa got into a very tight black corset and skirt and I must admit she looked stunning. I got into a short tight dress.(see above)
Off we went down through Canal Street which was absolutely packed. We picked our way through and eventually got to where the Magic Theater was being held. Once we finally got in we met Doris and Jo. True to her word Doris got me up on to dance.
I've always felt a bit self conscious dancing. I tend to feel awkward. This was my first time en femme and I loved it and didn't want to stop. It was like my inhibitions just fell away.
If you ever read this Doris, thank you.
It was a fantastic night which all to quickly came to an end, which meant for me Sparkle was over.
I have seen since people criticising Sparkle as an event since and others full of praise. In my view it's something I'm glad I was part of, because whatever your view if you were there you were part of it. In the end I think it's an event that's more about the people who attend than anything else.
I hope it continues and grows, I loved it and hope to be able to go again next year.