Woke up on the Saturday morning at about 9 30am so had a few hours sleep. It took me about an hour and half to get ready. Lisa was up as well so when we were ready to go I contacted Di. She sounded a little worse for wear and said she would meet us later.
Lisa and myself headed of out. First stop was Villagio where we were having the meal.
Lisa had to finalise the number that would be attending. I got an insight into what it took to organise the meal with girls coming from all over the British Isles. It was billed as the Northern Angels Meal, but there were girls from all over. Lisa had done a fantastic job. Lisa runs the Northern Angels meals which are held every month during the year which have been used by some girls as a springboard for getting outside, me included. At Sparkle they had the TG Oscars,she should be up for one next year.
We headed off to the shops on King St. Lisa went into Hobbs, not really my favourite shop so I said I was going to look into Monsoon down the road.
I love the clothes in Monsoon, but my nemesis came to the surface again. All the tops and dresses had short or 3/4 length sleeves. I've got a problem with the hair on my arms which I've gone into else where on the other blog. It's something I really want to sort out.
This is where I lost Lisa. I had a look round the shops to see if I could find her. Now Lisa is used to being out on her own shopping I am not. I thought about ringing her and then thought I'll do it later, this was an oppertunity to see if I can do this myself. I decided to head for the Arndale Centre.
I didn't feel nervous at all just felt really good.
Wandering round the clothes shops I decided to get some false eyelashes from MAC. I wore them that night, nobody said anything to me so hopefully they looked alright.
Eventually I met up with Diana and she got a picture of me with a very skinny person in a panda suit (see above). We went for a coffee and got in touch with Lisa she was actually just round the corner.
We met up a bit more shopping, I bought a skinny pair of jeans. I don't know if I'll ever wear them out.
It came time to head back to get changed for the meal. On the way back I told Lisa I had to find a ATM. I knew there was one in the train station which was up the road from the hotel. I said I wouldn't be long. I also had an ulterior motive.
Next year when I come down to Manchester I want to stay for a few days instead of one or two, but more than that I want to travel round the north west in K mode which means using the train.
Piccadilily station was very busy. I had a wander round got some money, I don't think anybody took much notice of me. The next step is to actually get on a train, which I think I can do.
Leaving the station I went into a newsagent and put 2 lines on the thunderball lottery for a bit of fun.
Back at the hotel I got changed, war paint on. I did have fun with the eye lashes.
We went to the bar where Lisa had arranged for everybody to meet.
In the bar I met Bea who I only know from the Angels Forum. Now perhaps I shouldn't say this but photos I've seen of her don't do her justice, she looked amazing.
We headed of to Villagio's for the meal where I met up with the 2 Irish girls Diedre and Natasha also I was seated with Emma, Sarah, Trisha, Kate and Mrs Kate.
Emma was relating how she wasn't out to her wife. The 2 Kates told of their experience which I could relate to. Emma asked if I was married and at that moment a waiter rushed past with a burning plate. Apparently Diana had set herself on fire. It wasn't serious thankfully. I was glad I didn't have to answer Emma's question. Everyone was really enjoying themselves and I know people feel awkward when I tell them she passed away. Don't get me wrong I love talking about her, but then didn't seem the right time. I had a good chat with Sarah who I had met in Liverpool at the April Ashley talk. I ended up going outside with Linzi for a smoke. I know so much for my rant on here about smoking. I do feel a complete idiot.
The meal came to an end and we all moved up to Velvet. I had one drink and then when back to the hotel to get some more money. I said to Diana I'd see her in Naps.
I got to Naps before nearly everyone. I got talking to Rachel and we realised we had chatted in the Angels chat room. A few people had called it a night, but there was quite a few of us left.We ended up there near to closing time.
It was a fantastic night meeting so many new people.
I felt a bit sad saying my farewells for this year. I know it my last time this year in K mode. I know it's not Christmas yet, but this is the first time in years I've enjoyed this time of year.
Oh before I go any further, if your wondering did I win on the lottery, yes £20, another first for Karen.
I said before this has been an amazing year for me and I would like to thank Lisa, Diana, Kate and Mrs Kate, everyone I've met from the Manchester Concord and the Angels Forum and anybody who reads this have a:-
I'm so glad you've had such good experiences with us down here Karen, you're such lovely and understanding company, you deserve the best.
On the subject of fiery frocks, close examination by crime scene CSI can't reveal any trace of the conflagration, so I'll be wearing it down the village come New Year's Eve.
San's flaming party hat made a good flambe though.
I hope Christmas has been kind to you.
May all your dreams come true in 2009.
Peace & love
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