Sunday, 5 December 2010

Full Circle

Diana couldn't get her hotel room for the Saturday night so she had to vacate her room. I had said to her to leave her case in my apartment. Kate and Kitty had invited us to their home for a meal that evening.
Diana came over and after a coffee we went to the Olive Deli by Sackville Gardens for a bite to eat.
We spent the afternoon shopping. Diana bought herself a nice pair of boots and I bought a battery operated cat that rolled round with a loud laugh when switched on which was for Kate and Kitty.
We had been invited out to Kate and Kitty's  home for a meal that evening. We did take a couple of wrong turns finding their house, but eventually found it.
We had a lovely meal and a wonderful girls night in. Diana showed us a DVD she had made of her trip to Fantasia Fair in the States. It came across as what must have been an amazing experience. I could see the emotions playing across Diana's face. I could only imagine the beautiful memories she must have and the sadness that it was now in the past. I think that events like these change you and add an intangible positive element  that stays for life.
I hope if she reads this she does not mind my thoughts in the last paragraph.
The evening came to an end. Diana took me back to The Village.
I had one more day in Manchester.

The first four days had been a wonderful time and the best part had been seeing my friends. One day left I would spend by myself. None of my friends live in Manchester, but they go out of their way to make my times out very special and for that I cannot thank then enough. I really am so lucky.
Sunday morning I decided to start packing after I got ready to go out. There was no hurry to go anywhere. I had been toying with the idea of going on the train somewhere for a day out. It was very cold and the weather was turning nasty so I decided against it. Instead I decided to go to the cinema. I went to the Printworks Cinema to see what films were on. I decided on a sci fi film Skyline. The film about an alien invasion was ok if not horrible. The effects were good and sort of overtook the storyline.
After the film I headed back to The Village. Later that evening I headed out again to Paddy's Goose a traditional pub in The Village. It wasn't to busy so I found a table to sit at. A couple of gay guys asked if they could sit at the table. We got talking. They asked about my sexuality, was I going to transition etc. They said it was a shame I was straight, but good I wasn't going to get it chopped off as they put it. I had to smile as I hadn't had sex for years, so it wasn't much use any way. I think they got a bit confused during the conversation, so they asked, do you really want to be a woman? My answer was yes, but when it comes down to it I have an overwhelming fear that the transition process would destroy me, so I do what I do.
The next question was whether I saw myself as a transexual or transvestite? I replied that I am just what you see whatever that is. Eventually the conversation came to an end, they both shook my hand and wished me all the best for the future.
My night came to an end about half an hour later when 2 drunk trannies managed to soak one leg of my jeans by knocking over a drink mucking around and making a general nuisance of themselves. I must admit I left in disgust those 2 really were acting like a couple of drunk blokes in women's clothing. I must admit that behavior is something I hate to see.
The 5 days had come to end. It had been another special time for me. In a way I had come full circle staying in the place I had stayed in when I first came to The Village  I don't know but have a feeling a cycle has ended and a new one is beginning. I know there could be some tough times on the horizon. I have written this and the last 2 posts with a bad dose of the flu which I am now getting over.
One thing I did take part in while in The Village was Kissing Without Prejudice, below is a link and if you do look at it you get a good view of the back of my head. It is well worth a look:-
Kissing Without Prejudice Photography Project

I'll leave with a picture that Diana took where I was staying that is similar to the first taken when I was in The Village.
                                                                     Full Circle

Take care and look after each other.
Karen xxx                                            

Friday, 3 December 2010

Near Perfect Day

The first 2 days just seemed to disappear (see last post).
The plan for the day was Diana and myself would meet up with Kate and Kitty at the Christmas market near the town hall. We decided to go into the Arndale first where Diana got a picture of me with a giant Freddie Mercury advertising the stage show 'We Will Rock You'.
Diana managed to get herself a really nice pair of boots while we were in The Arndale. I also got my nails done again.
It came to time that we made our way to the Christmas Market to meet Kate and Kitty.Kate had given us a cryptic clue that they would be near the singing moose.
We made our way to the market. At a crossing we saw Kate waiting to cross on the other side. The funny thing was when it came to cross Kate passed right by us and never noticed. We  had to stop her. She was going to an ATM, so we continued on looking for Kitty and the singing moose. We eventually found her and had a cup of gluhwein and then another one when Kate arrived. A cold November day, but for me standing in the Christmas Market with my friends sipping ghulwein and a singing moose head it really did feel like Christmas.

We decided to go into the city hall to escape the cold where there was a jewellery exhibition mainly works by local artists. There were some nice pieces and some unusual ones. I also noticed a plaque dedicated to those volunteers who joined The International Brigades and fought against fascism during The Spanish Civil War. In my time I have met a couple of veterans of that conflict who have long since passed on. I always think of it as a forgotten conflict which was a prelude to the world wide fight for freedom, World War Two.

Below is a link

Diana and myself had to get back to the Village to get changed and go for something to eat as we were going to see The Nutcracker ballet at The Palace Theater.
When Diana suggested going I was very keen. I had never been to see a ballet before. I remember as a kid my sister loved her dance classes which ballet was a big part off. I wasn't jealous of her, I just wished I could at the time do what she did. That wasn't to be I had to do boy things. I wasn't that good at most sports except I seemed  better at basketball and tennis than my class mates. That didn't help much as football or rugby were what counted.
We got to the Palace Theater and it looked like there would be a full house. I must admit to feeling excited. It was nice to be able to sit and have a drink before the start. It came time to take our seats. The whole performance was spellbinding and absolutely beautiful. It felt even more like Christmas watching the story unfold in music, movement and dance.
Below is a link to an overview of the Nutcracker.
All to soon it was over. I think Diana enjoyed it as much as I did. The work that must go into a production I cam only guess at. A beautiful Christmas story that transports you to a place with no computers, hi tech special effects etc. Instead the imagination is stimulated and you see and feel the beauty of life in one of its highest forms.
Diana suggested once we left the theater getting a picture of me outside the theater. She understands how important memories of my times out and anything that helps with those are to me.

We finished of the evening by going to Naps where we got talking to a woman who was out with her friends for what sounded like a birthday pub crawl. We got the usual questions. Why? Are you gay? Have you or are you going to change sex? Then, are you married? I don't mind answering questions as long as people are not nasty or rude. We finished of the night with a bit of dancing.
Nothing can ever be perfect, but I'd had a near perfect day with 3 of my best friends.
If you read this. Thank you Diana, Kate and Kitty.
Christmas came early.